Magdalene Odundo in Cambridge - a digital archive

October 29, 2019

The Fitzwilliam Museum

🍵 1 min to read (suggested)

A very simple and again last minute Fitzwilliam Museum digital intervention. The Director requested the labels, text and audio for the exhibition to be put online a few days before opening. The problem was simple:

  1. 15 cases
  2. Multiple objects in each case
  3. Cases had label text for example Case 2
  4. Objects had label text and audio files

Pull these together!

To do this, a custom table was created in Directus and content uploaded and pulled back through the API. This provided reusable content structure for any other exhibitions that might be created in the future that had many-to-many relationships for cases, object and labels.

People I worked with

  • George Doji
  • Helen Ritchie